Thursday, September 4, 2008

How did Patels reach Gujarat

The Aryans living in highlands of Pamir in Central Asia (referred by Rig Veda),Almost after 1000 years Aryans migrated in three different directions. This three directions were as follows
1 Present day Known as Iran
2 Present day Known as Europe through Afghanisthan
3 Present day known as Punjab

The Aryans who settled in Punjab soon became prosperous and happy,and after that they organised themselves in caste system and which was divided in four specific sub castes (four caste were divided by their role function in the society).

Kshatriyas : The work of Kshatriyas was to protect land,However in peace of time many members of Kshatriya caste farmed their land and raised cattle. This people known as “Kurmi Kshatriyas” migrated to the fertile land of Ganga and Yamuna,eventually reaching Bihar and Bengal.
During the period of 200 BC to 600 BC the kings of Iran and Greece constantly attacked Punjab,Forcing most of Kurmi Kshatriyas (Known as Kurmis) to flee even further to South of Gujarat,This Kurmis arrived at Vadnagar and Charotar in Kheda District. During 1400 AD the ruler of Gujarat granted uncultivated land to this Kurmis. This land was cultivated and became prosperous. And to maintain records of the annual crops cultivated on each “Patt”,the ruler appointed a record keeper for keeping records,this record keeper was known as “Patlikh”. This name was shorten to Patel.

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